History of The Umpqua Valley Quilters Guild

Origins and Organization of the Quilters’ Guild

In the fall of 1982 an ad appeared in the Roseburg News Review suggesting that all persons interested in forming a Quilters club meet at the Umpqua Valley Art Center. The ad was entered in the paper by Sharon Richter of the Art Center. In response, several ladies met for the first session September 16, 1982. After discussing plans and possibilities, it was decided to hold two (2) sessions, one (1) in the morning, and one (1) in the evening. Sharon helped us get started and suggested we set-up our own organization. Two (2) of the charter members, Cindy Nemec and Doris Cox were most helpful in leading out in our meetings in a very interesting and productive manner for the remaining months in 1982. As they couldn’t continue serving for various reasons, Nona Rossknecht volunteered her services as presiding officer until a president and other officers could be duly elected for the 1983-1984 year. Nona served from January until September 1983. We chose the name “Umpqua Valley Quilters Guild” as the name of our organization under which to operate. The evening meeting continued for approximately two (2) years. The groups then voted to disband as a Roseburg group and form a Winston-Dillard Quilters Guild. Later the Guild moved back to Roseburg. This Guild continues as a very active group, meeting twice a month.

Charter Members Include:

Rose Campbell
Doris Cox
Cindy Nemec
Nona Rossknecht
Velma Holm
Bessie Pine
Sue Moriang
Barbara Edwards
Ina Richardson
Margaret Hutton

Nell Miller
Ruth Hansen
Julie Bennett
Pat Zimmerman
Ruth Neilsen
Carol Caroll
Darlene Poland
Sybil Clark
Barbara Moore

First Guild Quilt Show July 3, 1982

Quilters are invited to ready their wares for show at a Douglas County Quilt Show planned July 3 at the Umpqua Valley Arts Center in Roseburg. Planned are a show and sale to honor area quilters and to give the public an opportunity to view this traditional folk art as practiced locally.

The show will also feature a quilting demonstration, a showing of the film, Quilts in Women’s Lives, and a quilt raffle.

Ten favorites will be selected by a public judging during the one-day show. An award will be presented to the most popular. The top ten (10) selections will be shown throughout July in the UVAC’s main gallery.

Interested quilters desiring more information may send a card or note to Quilts, Umpqua Valley Arts Center, PO Box 1542, Roseburg. Names will be added to the quilter mailing list.


New organization formed for quilters.

A new organization, the Roseburg Quilters Guild has been formed for persons who enjoy quilts and quilt making. The guild will meet every second Monday at 7 p.m. at the Umpqua Valley Arts Center in Roseburg, repeating the meeting at 10 a.m. on the second Tuesdays.

Goal of the organization is to bring fellow quilt makers together to exchange ideas and information about quilts and interested persons are invited to attend either the day or night meeting, Nov 8 or 9. Cindy Nemec at 673-3692 or Doris Cox 672-7895 may be called for more information.

After the main part of this month’s meeting, there will be a beginners’ quilting lesson. Persons taking part should bring two 12 ½ inch squares of plain cloth, equal size of backing, needle, thread and thimble.